Statistik och betydelse av namnet Tziotis

Användning: 2% förnamn, 98% efternamn.
Tziotis som förnamn hittades 1 gånger i 1 olika länder. (USA)
Efternamnet Tziotis används minst 38 gånger i minst 5 länder.

      Surname Tziotis
James Tziotis (1)
George Tziotis (1)
Monika Tziotis (1)
Marjorie Tziotis (1)
Andre Tziotis (1)


Tziotis reversed is Sitoizt
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Tizsoit Otizist Tzoisti Zisoitt Tsiotiz Siztiot Oitsizt
Misspells: Tziotiss Tzyotis Tzjotis Tzeotis Tziotisa Tizotis Tziotsi Tzioits

Rim: dhotis Alcestis Atlantis Chiantis Curtis Kurtis Kuwaitis ablative vocative appositive

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Michael Tziotis says: The origin of my name is the Aegean islet of Kea, alias Tzia. Anyone originating from Tzia is a tziotis (adj.) Some have in the past been identified as Tziotis, thus the Surname. Those under this name have moved to other Aegean islands (there are many of them living on Naxos), to Athens and to as far as Australia. Thank you.

Denna sida har besökts från följande länder: Australia United States Greece Netherlands Germany Austria France Thailand Pakistan Canada


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