Statistik och betydelse av namnet Stancoveanu

We have no records about Stancoveanu being used as firstname.
Efternamnet Stancoveanu används minst 9 gånger i minst 1 länder. (Romania)
Namnets är av Romanian ursprung.

Marian Stancoveanu (2)
Maria Stancoveanu (2)
Gheorghe Stancoveanu (2)
Cornel Stancoveanu (1)
Cecilia Stancoveanu (1)
Ioana Stancoveanu (1)

Stancoveanu reversed is Unaevocnats
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.

Anagrams: Tavnoascuen Nenvaucotsa Ousnavtecna
Misspells: Stoncoveanu Sstancoveanu Stancobeanu Stancoveanua Satncoveanu Stancoveaun Stancovenau

Rim: cuckoo kudzu gumshoe jujutsu thumbscrew

Betydelsen av namnet Stancoveanu är: from the name [Stancov] plus the anthroponym suffix '-eanu'
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Old Wiki
Name: Stancoveanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the name Stancu who was my great great father, from village of Leu(Lion)-jud. Olt, and who moved in Osica/Cioroiu at around 1850. In romanian he was called Stancu leoveanu, Stanculeoveanu, hence Stancoveanu. It is a unique name, all persons with this surname are relatives at 100%.

Origine: din numele Stancu, stra-stra-bunicul meu, de origine din satul Leu - jud. Olt, care se muta in Osica/Cioroiu pe la anul 1850. Pentru a-l deosebi de alti Stancu era numit Stancu leoveanu, devenit Stanculeoveanu, apoi Stancoveanu.
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