Statistik och betydelse av namnet Ogunturoti

We have no records about Ogunturoti being used as firstname.
Efternamnet Ogunturoti används minst 12 gånger i minst 2 länder. (UK,Nigeria)

Ireti Ogunturoti (2)
Ibukun Ogunturoti (2)
Ife Ogunturoti (2)
Olusola Ogunturoti (1)
Iyiola Ogunturoti (1)
Ifeoluwa Ogunturoti (1)
Ibukyn Ogunturoti (1)

Ogunturoti reversed is Itorutnugo
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Intougtuor Trotoungui
Misspells: Oguntuloti Ogunturroti Ogunturoty Ogunturotj Ogunturote Ogunturotia Ougnturoti Ogunturoit Ogunturtoi

Rim: dhoti literati karate knotty potty spotty

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Abiodun Ogunturoti says: Ogun is a traditional deity worshiped by a particular sect of the Yoruba people of Nigeria. The name OGUNTUROTI is a family name which mean Ogun(god of iron), is worth ones reliance. Although, most bearers of the name have since changed or rephrased the name to Oluwaturoti(God is worth relying upon), which is further shortened to Turoti or Roti. This evolution has majorly been as a result of the bearer’s faith or religion.

Denna sida har besökts från följande länder: United States United Kingdom Germany Europe

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