Statistik och betydelse av namnet Dorcescu

We have no records about Dorcescu being used as firstname.
Efternamnet Dorcescu används minst 28 gånger i minst 3 länder.
Namnets är av Romanian ursprung.

      Surname Dorcescu
Maria Dorcescu (5)
Gabriel Dorcescu (3)
Mihaela Dorcescu (3)
Anica Dorcescu (2)
Anghel Dorcescu (2)
Marin Dorcescu (2)
Leana Dorcescu (1)
Cristian Dorcescu (1)
Mihai Dorcescu (1)
Ion Dorcescu (1)
Lucia Dorcescu (1)
Mariana Dorcescu (1)

Dorcescu reversed is Ucsecrod
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Rsoecduc
Misspells: Dolcescu Dorrcescu Dorcesscu Dorcescua Drocescu Dorcesuc Dorcecsu

Rim: Ceausescu rescue venue menu nephew sensu

Betydelsen av namnet Dorcescu är: [Dorcu] or [Dorca] plus the termination -escu
Eugen Dorcescu says: EUGEN DORCESCU Biography: Born on 18th March 1942 Poet, prose writer, essay-writer, translator of French and Spanish Member of Romanian Writers Union Prizes of Romanian Writers Union (Timisoara) ,1982,1993, 2001. On June 2, 2006 the Writers Union (Timisoara) granted Eugen Dorcescu two new prizes: - excellency diploma for all the literary activity - literary prize 'Nikolaus Berwanger' for all the poetical creation. On 2010: prize for the way to Tenerife (poetry) On 2012: prize “Opera omnia” Honorary Citizen of Timişoara. His wife is Olimpia Berca, Literary critic. Books (selection) : I. The ashes man,2002 (antology, including these poetry books published between 1972 and 2001) : Elegies,2003; The biblicals,2003; The father’s death,2005; In the central square (preface - Virgil Nemoianu) , 2007; The man of the mirror,2009; the way to tenerife,2009; The Bad Hofgastein’ s Elegies,2010; El camino hacia Tenerife,2010; Poemas del Viejo (preface - Andrés Sánchez Robayna) , 2012; Las elegías de Bad Hofgastein,2013. II. Letters for a friend,2001; Fairy tales and stories,2005; 'L'histoire d'une nevrose'. Unsprezece povestiri francofone (Onze recits francophones) ,2007. III. Poetical metaphor,1975; Emblem of the reality,1978; Poetics of non-imanence,2008; ed.II,2009.

Eugen Dorcescu says: EUGEN DORCESCU Biography: Romanian writer. Pseudonim of Eugeniu Berca (Dorcescu is his mother’s name). Born on 18th March 1942. Poet, prose writer, essay-writer, translator of French and Spanish. Member of Romanian Writers Union. Prizes of Romanian Writers Union (Timişoara), 1982,1993, 2001. On June 2, 2006 the Writers Union (Timisoara) granted Eugen Dorcescu two new prizes: - excellency diploma for all the literary activity, - literary prize 'Nikolaus Berwanger' for all the poetical creation. On 2010: prize for The way to Tenerife (poetry). On 2012: prize “Opera omnia”. Honorary Citizen of Timişoara (2014). His wife is Olimpia Berca, Literary critic. Books (selection) : I. Poetry The ashes man, 2002 (antology, including the poetry books published between 1972 and 2001) : Elegies, 2003; The biblicals, 2003; The father’s death, 2005 (preface – Ion Arieşanu); In the central square (preface - Virgil Nemoianu) , 2007; The man of the mirror, 2009; The way to Tenerife, 2009; The Bad Hofgastein’ s Elegies,2010; El camino hacia Tenerife, 2010; Poemas del Viejo (preface - Andrés Sánchez Robayna) , 2012; Las elegías de Bad Hofgastein, 2013, Nirvana, 2014; NIRVANA. Cea mai frumoasă poezie, Ediţie critică de Mirela-Ioana Borchin, 2015.

Eugen Dorcescu says: I am the writer Eugen Dorcescu. Please, add two news books of poetry: Nirvana, 2014; NIRVANA. La mas hermosa poesia, critical edition for Mirela - Ioana Borchin, 2015. Thank you. Eugen Dorcescu

Eugen Dorcescu says: EUGEN DORCESCU Biography: Born on 18th March 1942. Poet, prose writer, essay-writer, translator of French and Spanish. Member of Romanian Writers Union. Prizes of Romanian Writers Union (Timisoara) ,1982, 1993, 2001, 2006, 2010. Prize “Opera omnia”, 2012. Honorary Citizen of Timişoara (2014). His wife is Olimpia Berca, Literary critic. Books (selection, poetry) : I. The ashes man,2002 (antology, including these poetry books published between 1972 and 2001) ; Elegies, 2003; The biblicals, 2003; The father’s death, 2005; In the central square (preface - Virgil Nemoianu), 2007; The man of the mirror, 2009; the way to tenerife, 2009; The Bad Hofgastein’ s Elegies, 2010; El camino hacia Tenerife, 2010; Poemas del Viejo (preface - Andrés Sánchez Robayna), 2012; Las elegías de Bad Hofgastein, 2013; Nirvana, 2014; Nirvana. Cea mai frumoasă poezie, Ediţie critică de Mirela – Ioana Borchin, 2015.

Eugen Dorcescu says: Ma femme est, maintenant, Mirela-Ioana Dorcescu, ecrivain et professeur universitaire. J`ai publie, entre temps, les livres: „Îngerul Adâncului”et „Adam” (2020), „Biblice” (2021), „Aproapele” (2022).

Eugen Dorcescu says: Autre nom d`ecrivain: Mirela-Ioana Dorcescu, ma femme.

Eugen Dorcescu says: Autres oeuvres de Eugen Dorcescu: Elegiile de la Carani, 2017; Îngerul Adâncului. Pagini de jurnal (1991-1998), 2020; Adam. Pagini de jurnal (2000-2010), 2020; Biblice, poezie, 2021; Aproapele, poezie, 2022; Leviatanul, poezie, 2022. Sa femme est Mirela-Ioana Dorcescu, professeur universitaire et ecrivain.

Eugen Dorcescu says: Ajoutez, je vous prie, un autre livre de Eugen Dorcescu aux livres precedents: Elegias Rumanas, 2020.

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Old Wiki
Name: Dorcescu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Dorcu or Dorca plus the termination -escu

Författare: Eugen Dorcescu

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