Statistik och betydelse av namnet Ciuna

Användning: 3% förnamn, 97% efternamn.
Ciuna som förnamn hittades 1 gånger i 1 olika länder. (USA)
Efternamnet Ciuna används minst 26 gånger i minst 3 länder.

      Surname Ciuna
Margareta Ciuna (3)
Viorel Ciuna (3)
Simion Ciuna (2)
Giovanni Ciuna (1)
Paolo Ciuna (1)
Vittorio Ciuna (1)
Maurizio Ciuna (1)
Arcangelo Ciuna (1)
Salvatore Ciuna (1)
Aldo Ciuna (1)
Mihaela Ciuna (1)
Ion Ciuna (1)
Aglaia Ciuna (1)
Mario Ciuna (1)
Antonio Ciuna (1)
Arcangela Ciuna (1)


Ciuna reversed is Anuic
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Incau Acinu Cinau Cinua Uinac
Misspells: Ciuno Cyuna Cjuna Ceuna Ciunaa Cuina Ciuan Cinua

Rim: Arjuna Luna Shauna fauna lacuna sauna tuna tra the le ca fa

Meaning of this name is unknown.
VIOREL CIUNA says: When I was child, my teacher of literature explained me, that my name can come from Transilvania, because in the 19th century, there was a local cultural organisation of romanians with the scope of fighting for the independence from Austro-Hungarian Empire, named Ciunismul. I received this explanation 50 yers ago. During the time, I found that, the father of my grandfather, named Ioncica al Panei, sheeps-holder, crossed the Danube river from Romania to Bulgaria to the territory sur-named: DACIA AURELIANA, situated along TIMOC river, where there are villages speaking romanian language. There he married with the girl named Floarea ALCIUNII. Because Ioncica died early, all the children resulted from this marriage, kept the name ALCIUNII. On the beginning of 20th century, due to bulgarien nationalist pressure, my fammily was obligated to change the name from ALCIUNII in CIUNOV. After two generations, this changement was not enough to get the permission to follow the university in Bulgaria and my father decided to pass ilegal, in his mother language country, Romania. Arrived to the Romanian border, the romanian guard didn't liked the name CIUNOV, because of the slave sufix OV, which is not usually used in ROMANIA. Also because the fact that inside of the personal papers, official visa missed, he proposed that new personal papers to be provided for my father. He proposed to change the name of my father from CIUNOV to CIUNA and my father accepted immediatly. That's the history of my name, but of course for other name of CIUNA for sure will be different.

Denna sida har besökts från följande länder: United States Italy Russian Federation Germany Poland Thailand Qatar Slovakia Romania Austria

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