Statistik och betydelse av namnet Calsbeek
We have no records about Calsbeek being used as firstname.
Efternamnet Calsbeek används minst 78 gånger i minst 3 länder.
Ammy Calsbeek (1) |
Calsbeek reversed is Keebslac
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Elsebakc Kbaleces
Misspells: Colsbeek Calssbeek Calsbeeka Clasbeek Calsbeke
Rim: Creek Greek Newsweek cheek creek geek leek critique speak antique mystique politique
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Henk Pietersma says: The origine of the name "Calsbeek" (as it is Dutch nowadays) can be found in German, in the 16th century. "Cals" comes from "Kalf" and "beek" comes from 'brook'
Henk Pietersma says: Johannus von Kalfsbach came to Holland in the 16th century. They had a family weapon (heraldic) with a calf standing near a brook. Mayors, Teachers etc in the family.
Henk Pietersma says: I was married to Greet Calsbeek and loved her. But over the years their centuries old incestuous way destroyed all that. The entire story is good and evil.
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