Statistik och betydelse av namnet Stragierowicz

We have no records about Stragierowicz being used as firstname.
Efternamnet Stragierowicz används minst 7 gånger i minst 3 länder.

      Surname Stragierowicz
January Stragierowicz (1)
Krystyna Stragierowicz (1)
Czeslaw Stragierowicz (1)
Barbara Stragierowicz (1)
Ewelina Stragierowicz (1)
Irena Stragierowicz (1)
Friedhelm Stragierowicz (1)


Stragierowicz reversed is Zciworeigarts
Name contains 13 letters - 38.46% vowels and 61.54% consonants.

Misspells: Strogierowicz Stlagierowicz Strragierowicz Sstragierowicz Stragyerowicz Stragierovvicz Stragjerowicz Strageerowicz Stragierowicza Srtagierowicz Stragierowizc Stragierowciz

Rim: revisionists dissidence empiricists archbishoprics judiciousness

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Denna sida har besökts från följande länder: United States Poland Germany Brazil Paraguay Canada

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