Statistik och betydelse av namnet Horjus

Användning: 3% förnamn, 97% efternamn.
Horjus som förnamn hittades 5 gånger i 1 olika länder. (USA)
Efternamnet Horjus används minst 124 gånger i minst 3 länder.

      Surname Horjus


Horjus reversed is Sujroh
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Sojurh Rhoujs Hrousj Orhusj
Misspells: Holjus Horrjus Horjuss Horius Horjusa Hrojus Horjsu Horujs

Rim: sorta aorta aortae forma fora

Meaning of this name is unknown.
frisian says: Horjus is a misspelling of the original surname Horreus, that first appeared when the surname had to be officially registered during the occupation of Holland by Napoleon. The Horjus-members in the US and elsewhere in the world all stem from Dutch ancestors. The ancient Frisian surname Horreus, pronounced as 'Horjus', is a latinized version of 'Horre', meaning 'mudman'. The surname dates back to the Middle Ages. When members of the family started to study law, theology and medicine at the universities of Franeker and Delft, they latinized their surname. Wellknown ancestors of the family are the late-mediaeval jurist Rembertus Horreus and the theologians Petrus Horreus and Gerardus Horreus de Haas. Family emblems and coats of arms can be found on works of art and tombstones in Harlingen, Franeker, Waaxens, the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden and the Scheepvaart Museum in Sneek. (Sources: Arend Horjus, 'Horjus Genealogie'; Tresoar; Friesche naamlijst', Lexicon Frisicum).

Denna sida har besökts från följande länder: United States Netherlands South Africa Thailand India Australia


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